Cardiff Harbour Authority

Cardiff Harbour Authority

Cardiff Harbour Authority (CHA) is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Cardiff Bay Barrage, as well as navigational management within the Harbour limits. It also maintains water quality within the 200-hectare freshwater Bay, manages all aspects relating to the environment in the Bay, monitors groundwater, and operates leisure sites and facilities.

CHA is funded through a ring-fenced Welsh Government grant, which is agreed on a three-year budget cycle.

The Authority contributes significantly to the Council’s vision for Cardiff, in support of the Programme for Government. This is through the development of Cardiff Bay as an exceptional international water venue, offering an environment in which visitors and local communities can enjoy a wide range of activities, sports and leisure pursuits.

CHA has three primary aims:

  1. To maintain and enhance an outstanding, sustainable environment
  2. To provide exceptional facilities and activities to ensure that Cardiff continues to have a premier waterfront location
  3. To work in partnership with stakeholders to ensure continued public and investor confidence in Cardiff Bay

The teams

Responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Barrage, including the locks, bridges, sluices and fish pass, the team is made up of operators, lock managers and engineers. The Barrage Control room is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The Harbourmaster team is responsible for managing all the functions relating to the statutory duties within the Inland Bay, Outer Harbour and rivers Taff and Ely, including issuing Notices to Mariners. The department also works to ensure that cleanliness standards are met in and around the Bay through debris and litter collection.

Tasked with managing all issues concerning the environment in Cardiff Bay, the team monitors and maintains water quality standards, in addition to safeguarding and enhancing the natural and built environment.

Liaising with the Harbour Authority’s stakeholders and customers, this team oversees the delivery of educational programmes and events in the Bay and surrounding area. It also carries out marketing and communication activities, such as online promotion via websites and social media, and the provision of materials including leaflets, maps and public information boards.